To prepare for an online job interview there are 6 elements that you need to…
New Year. New Idea?
“Why are you buying that, Grandad? You didn’t use the one you bought last year”. This is my 10-year old granddaughter challenging me in our local stationers as I take a new wall year-planner to the counter. She’s right, of course. They always are. I didn’t use my wall planner last year. Lots of reasons (excuses) come to mind, but I don’t want to insult her by trotting them out to her. Nevertheless, I still buy it.
The truth is that it’s old technology and that all my planning is done on my laptop these days. But I still have in my mind that it would be good to have a wall-planner: get me more organised and focussed. That could be a benefit, as anyone who works closely with me might agree!
Actually I think it’s just a habit: that’s what we used to do. Maybe you still do. If you’ve got a lot going on with lots of people then you’ll probably need something visual on the wall to keep track of it all.
But for me, young Caitlyn is making me think what other old habits am I persisting in holding on to? What other ‘ways of being and doing’ am I wedded to, that are no longer relevant or useful? Or even getting in the way? I have a feeling that the list could be long.
But it also gets me thinking about sales and presentations and what I normally say about the business. Actually I’m probably still saying some of the same stuff that I’ve been saying for years.
Time to move on, Walt, I’m now telling myself, and have a think about what’s really important and current. For example, in one of my Top Tips for Presenters I’d referred to Billy Graham and one of my colleagues suggested that most of those reading them wouldn’t know who Billy Graham was! Good point, thank you Jim.
And what about you? Is now a good time to have another look at how you’re presenting your business? If that rings a bell with you and you need a sounding board then do get in touch by email or phone +44 7889 167 486. I’d be happy to listen and work it through with you.
And if by chance, you need a new wall year-planner – unused and still wrapped, let me know and I’ll send it on to you (UK only). First one to say yes, please!