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Presenting With Confidence Online Course

Five 2-hour live sessions spread over 5 weeks

Experiential. Virtual. Inspiring.

Be prepared to lose the nerves and gain more confidence. Start to believe that you can do this and do it well. Understand the principles of good presentation. Learn how to create and structure great content. Understand what to say and how to say it in our Presenting with Confidence Online Course. 

Five 2-hour sessions, held in the evening, spread over 5 weeks. This works well as it gives the participants time to prepare and practise their presentations. Share and get positive and constructive feedback from your peers and your trainer, in a safe, friendly, welcoming environment.

And as a bonus

  1. You will receive an e-book copy of Walter’s 90-page book,

‘How to Create and Deliver a Business Presentation, and Survive!’ and

  1. Walter is keen for you to become the presenter you want to be. Therefore he will be available to you for help with your presentations on an ongoing basis, by phone or email.

"Just 1 week in to your 5 week course and I cannot rate you highly enough. That ‘fear’ I spoke of is already starting to pack it’s bags! By week 5 it may just have moved right on out! Regardless, you have begun to give me the tools for presentation success despite the fear. Thank you!!"

Caroline, Participant – Presenting with Confidence, Virtual Course


Nervous about presenting? Don’t know how to start preparing? Know you could be more interesting and make more impact? Or, just want to be better? With our Presenting With Confidence Virtual Course you can learn in the comfort of your own home, but with the added benefit of an experienced trainer to guide you and other delegates to present to.

Create and deliver a great business presentation in 5 live Virtual Online sessions. Work with a group of like-minded people who want to improve and hone their presentations; from improvers to beginners. Learn the secrets of the great presenters in a world-class training course brought to you through the internet.

Join us in our highly interactive & engaging 2-hour virtual sessions, held over 5 weeks. Completing this course will result in you being able to create and deliver a professional and interesting 5-minute business presentation. And more than that, you’ll have the understanding and skill to create whatever length of presentation you want to create. When you finish the course you’ll want to present, because you know you can, and you’ll know how.

Everyone can present well; it’s just a case of knowing what to say and how to say it; and then practising that. And everyone can be better; like driving, we can all improve; world-class presenters are working all the time to improve.

presenter after being on the effective presentations workshop
lady giving online presentation

How it works:

The sessions are 2 hours long which gives everyone the chance to choose, prepare and deliver at least one short talk to the group. Each talk is explained and demonstrated by Walter, and then you’re given the time to choose your topic, think about what you want to say, and then practice it before giving it to the group. The topics are chosen so we make sure that everyone has something to say.

You’ll need to have access to a computer with a camera and a microphone as we’ll be using the Zoom online meeting facility which we’ll access. This means you’ll be able to watch and listen to others in the class, and they’ll be able to see and hear you. So that everyone learns from everyone else. Because you are learning what to say and how to say it, and practising with a partner, over the web, you’ll be gaining confidence and understanding about how to create and deliver a good presentation. Every time you speak, and as you get helpful feedback from Walter and other members of the group, you’ll be learning more about your own strengths as a speaker.

There will be lots of opportunity to ask questions, and to watch and listen to others, in order to develop your confidence and understanding of speaking.

This Presenting with Confidence Virtual Online Course is a building process. We start with very short talks and build up to the longer talks, all the time making sure that participants are comfortable with their progress.

Walter has over 40 years of teaching people to present. As a poor speaker when he was a young training officer he knows what it’s like to fail in front of a senior group, so he’s very sympathetic to people who are nervous or unsure.

successful man after learning how to prepare for an online interview
Virtual online presentation training

What you will learn:

Session 1 - Becoming a great storyteller

  • Introductions
  • How to create and tell an interesting short story
  • How to start and finish a story
  • The value of stories in presenting success
  • First 2 keys of how to look confident

Session 2 – Becoming a Clear, Interesting and Energetic Speaker

  • How to create and give a short talk that is factual and interesting
  • How to use objects to make a talk more interesting
  • The 3rd Key of how to look confident
  • The Power of Energy
  • Use a professional Opening – open with a KICK

Session 3 – Getting People into Action

  • How to create and give a short motivational talk
  • Use a professional Close
  • Learning about Persuasion
  • How to structure a longer talk
  • Using your Voice to make your talks more interesting

Session 4 – Getting Your Message Across – online

  • How to create and give a good talk using slides
  • Learning about Inspiration
  • The link between your Body Language, your Words and your Tone of Voice
  • How to respond to a question or a challenge

Session 5 – Becoming an Inspiring Speaker

  • How to create and give a short inspiring talk
  • Benefitting from our experiences
  • Creating a plan for your future speaking
Man preparing for a presentation
Lady presenting online using microphone and camera

No need to leave your home

We use Zoom video conferencing to coach you remotely so you don’t even need to leave the comfort of your own home.

Money Back Guarantee

As with all our training courses and coaching, we offer a 30 day money back guarantee if you’re not completely satisfied. For more information click here.

Experienced trainer

Walter Blackburn will be your coach. He has over 40 years experience both face to face and online so you know you’re in good hands.

About your trainer:

Walter Blackburn is a world-class expert in presentations and presentations training. He’s worked with both beginners and advanced speakers around the world for over 40 years. Once a poor speaker himself, Walter understands how hard it can seem to become a good speaker. Over his time as an international trainer he has developed an approach that will have anyone speaking well and confidently in a matter of minutes.

His philosophy is that people struggle with public speaking and presentations when they ‘don’t know what to say and they don’t know how to say it’. If they knew that, and set aside some time to practise, they would be far less nervous and far more confident.

Walter Blackburn is a specialist in Presentation Skills Training

What others say about this training course:

“During a career spanning 30 years in marketing & comms, I have been called upon to present regularly. I undertook the 5 week Presenting with Confidence’ course whilst hunting for a job. It was amazing, it gave me a novel framework to build engaging presentations plus taught me new techniques for effective delivery. The practice sessions enabled me to experiment using different styles to arrive at what worked personally for me. Walter is able to deconstruct each performance and give honest / practical feedback that encouraged me to grow as a speaker. I gained confidence as a presenter as well as refining my interview skills. I sincerely recommend you invest in this course”.

Kuldip Sanghas

“Thank you for a brilliant 5 weeks. I thoroughly enjoyed each week which was a big surprise as previously the thought of public speaking was torture!  The reason I signed up for the course was to push me out of my comfort zone and I really didn’t think I was going to enjoy it half as much as I did. The lessons were thoughtfully planned and productive and at no point did I think “I’m wasting my time here.”  Your feedback was always constructive and positive and the rest of the group were welcoming and supportive. This course has not only changed the way I speak publicly but also has made me change how I talk to people on a one-to-one basis; it has also made our internal meetings much more engaging! I would encourage anyone to give it a go as you are guaranteed to get something out of it”.

Estate Agent

“Before embarking on this training course I was very apprehensive and quite nervous. I’m in my second year at Uni and don’t have much experience speaking in public, and I was worried about being the weak link in the group. However with Walter’s support and positive feedback I found my ability and confidence in speaking grow more and more as the weeks went on. It’s a very methodical course with new skills being learnt each week. Not only do I believe this course has helped me from a career point of view, but also on a personal level with how I interact with people around me. I can’t recommend this course highly enough for anyone seeking to improve their ability to talk in public and gain valuable skills to improve their confidence”.

Rosie Sanders – University Student


Contact us to find out when our next courses are.


18.30 – 20.30 BST each evening


On-line via a zoom link.

Link will be sent with joining instructions.

The Cost?

£297 + VAT over 3 payments or pay in full for 10% off

And as a bonus:

  1. You will receive an e-book copy of Walter’s 90-page book,

‘How to Create and Deliver a Business Presentation, and Survive!’ and

  1. Walter is keen for you to become the presenter you want to be. Therefore he will be available to you for help with your presentations on an ongoing basis, by phone or email.

As always we offer a money back guarantee if you’re not completely satisfied with your session.

Book your place today, and start your journey to becoming a great speaker. If you’re unsure whether the course is for you, or how you will benefit, then call Walter, now, for an informal chat with no obligation, on +44 (0) 7889 167 486. He’d love to hear from you…

Not sure? Get in touch

Not sure if it’ll work for you, or if you really need the additional help? Then have an initial free 20-minute call with me to discuss what help or support you believe you need, and to discuss and agree what we need to do to get you to the place you want to be.

Call me for a free initial chat – Walter on +44 (0) 7889 167 486 or email me directly.

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