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After Training Support

Our after training support programme

Becoming a great, or even a good presenter, requires commitment. It also requires practice, in both creating and delivering presentations.

Our experience over 40 years working with aspiring presenters is that, for most people, it doesn’t just happen with one training, however good that might be.

We know most people benefit from support after the training. So we’ve built an option into the training process for participants to spend up to 2 hours in 30 minute slots on the phone with Walter, following the training. For up to 3 months.

This could include discussions on the creation of a presentation, how to put it together, how to practice, or how to deal with any nerves before the delivery.

Or if an email is more convenient, then we’re happy to respond to those.

We know that we all need support when we’re learning something new or revisiting something we’ve done before. It makes sense. Ask anyone who’s become really good at something and they’ll tell you it’s about practice and support.

Group of business people
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