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Audience Laughing At Presenter Using Humour In Their Presentation

Should I use humour in my presentation?

I am often asked: “Should I use humour in my presentation?”

Usually the answer is yes. Unless it’s a very serious subject, or you’re unsure of how your audience might react to your humour. But we’re speaking of the humour that comes from situations and life – preferably your life. Not jokes. The problem with jokes is that they need to be told really well to be funny, and some of your audience may well have heard them before. Comedians get away with it because that’s what the audience expects.

A business audience, on the other hand, expects to be informed, not entertained. If there’s natural humour in the presentation then that may be a bonus for them. So if there are funny moments in your presentation, arising from everyday situations then allow the humour to come through. Or if you’re naturally funny, then allow that side of you to come out.

Overall it’s up to you to enjoy your presentation, with or without the humour, then you’ll seem comfortable and confident and that’s what every audience wants.

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